From Kyoto, Japan, B-Girl Ayumi is a member of the animated and energetic, Body Carnival crew. She started breaking at the age of 21, inspired to try dancing after watching her older sister, B-Girl Narumi. Having been breaking for over a decade, Ayumi is not only one of the best B-Girls in the world but is also one of the best Breakers on the scene, male or female. She’s won a number of battles as an individual, and with her crew, including the 2013 B-Girl solo battle at HipOpession in France, the 2015 Dragon Style Anniversary Footwork battle in China, and the 2015 Freestyle session 2on2 B-Girl battle. Her style is a combination of footwork, ground moves, power moves and tricks, which she puts together in a playful, energetic, free flowing way, while always hitting the beat with unexpected freezes. A world famous B-Girl and professional dancer in the evenings and on weekends, by day Ayumi is an elementary school teacher who enjoys teaching her young kids, and says that dancing has made her a better teacher Before she got into Breaking, Ayumi was a shy and quiet girl but on the dance floor she becomes a different person and credits Breaking for helping her to more openly express her personality in a way she never could before. Ayumi is also forever in the history books as the first B-Girl to ever compete in the Red Bull BC One World Final.
Fukushima Ayumi