Zulu King Reies is the current chapter advisor for the OmegaZuluz, he has been a practitioner, keeper and lover of Hip Hop Kulture since the mid-eighties and has practiced the art of Djing for 25+ years. Zulu King Reies upholds his community with the utmost integrity and wisdom, he is always concerned about how to serve others and works tirelessly to implement real change and empower youth to their fullest potential; he is currently the President of the James Dewitt Yancey Foundation MN, certified speaker for the Islamic Resource Group and is trained Restorative Justice Circle Keeper and healer with the Dispute Resolution Center in Saint Paul.
Zulu King Reies graduated from both Saint Paul College (AA degree) and Augsburg University (Bachelor’s in Social Work), he is currently a High School Social Worker in Saint Paul Public Schools. Reies served as the Community Village coordinator as part of the Westside/District Del-Sol Cinco De Mayo committee (2016-2019 also 2022) and has volunteered for the Jovenes con Palabra youth movement for over 5 years, Reies also teaches Hip Hop history courses based off the 5 core elements and the 4 supporting elements, he serves on the Hip-Hop Education Center Committee and their Marketing Team. He recently was published in a book about Hip Hop Activism called Fight The Power: Breakin Down Hip Hop Activism. Reies is also a teacher in the Freedom School Movement (Children Defense Fund). Reies is the Founder and Executive Director of the Minnesota Hip Hop Museum
Reies enjoys traveling, ironing, and eating out at restaurants. Zulu King Reies is the mastermind and founder of the annual Twin Cities Dilla Day weekend events.(in honor of J Dilla). Reies encourages interpersonal relationships and prefers to meet folks in person or phone conversations, feel free to reach out to him at any time about anything.